Saturday 21 June 2014

So i finally managed to get a few hours to spare to finish painting up my dwarf warband, just need to finish the bases and theyre done. Unfortunately this means we still havent had time to have a game of Song of  blades and heroes as we wanted to play with fully painting mini's ofc, we are hoping to have our first game next month dwarves vs wood elves!!

Monday 5 May 2014


managed to get these 2 guys painted up yesterday and im really happy with how they turned out :)

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Painting, first attempt.

Here are a few pictures from my first go at painting miniatures, we are hoping to have a few good painting a terrain building sessions in 2 weeks.
These are skeletons from the kings of war paint set, i used a white primer from army painter and also a few extra paints from the revell line, follwed my an army painter style model dip which i bought on a trip to italy but havent used until now.

Monday 21 April 2014

Varna Wargaming Club

Varna Wargaming club is a group made up of British expats living in Varna, Bulgaria. We do play alot of board games but are completely new to tabletop war gaming. We have chosen A song of blades and heroes as our first voyage into this genre. In the coming weeks i hope to post our whole process from creating a board and painting some miniatures to our first battle report! Stay tuned VWG